Innovation in viticulture with Ploovium®

“Viticulture, when innovation fights the consequences of climate change. Wineries increasingly have to contend with summer heat waves, spring frosts and dry summers dotted with water bombs. To continue producing quality wines, it is necessary to innovate, as the Arnaldo Caprai Company has done.“ This is the beginning of the interview by Mattia Dell’Orto (head Read more about Innovation in viticulture with Ploovium®[…]

Soonapse has been invited to Agriscape 2019 in Abu Dhabi

We are proud to announce that our startup has being selected and invited to participate in the exclusive Abu Dhabi edition of Agriscape2019 next December 9-10th.  Agriscape is a closed event, with visitors admitted by invitation only, a maximum of 50 exhibitors from the entire world and 300 international buyers from more than 17 countries. And we will be there, with Ploovium®. […]